
According to Article 3 of the Regulation for LIA’s approval (UIB’s Acord executiu del dia 29 de setembre de 2021):

The specific objectives of the innovation unit Laboratory for Innovation in Agriculture (LIA) are as follows:

a. To work to improve the tools for the protection of industrial property (patents, plant breeders’ rights, geographical indications, etc.) and their application as an incentive for innovation in the fields of sustainable agriculture, rural development, and other related areas.
b. To explore other means and strategies to reinforce or complement the previous objective, such as the development, improvement, and implementation of techniques for analysing the agri-food environment and market, as well as marketing strategies; the improvement and implementation of contracts for technology transfer and for the distribution of agricultural and agri-food products, among other tools, not only legal or business-related, but also scientific and technical ones.
c. To design strategies to optimize research efforts and increase effective transfer, as well as promote applied research and transfer among the university community, in the areas of sustainable agriculture, rural development and other related areas.
d. To lead plant breeding programmes, the creation of new plant varieties and/or animal breeds, the creation or improvement of quality agri-food products, the creation or improvement of machinery and equipment for the agricultural and food sectors or for research purposes, etc., and to participate in them or offer advice.
e. Any other objective that, being consistent with the training of the staff of the innovation unit, is eventually assumed by the Management Team of the unit as an objective of the previous one.